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Bar Announces 2024 Annual Award Winners

April 19, 2024

By John Murph

D.C. Bar Annual Awards

The D.C. 美国澳门赌场官网协会选出了2024年度奖项的获奖者,以表彰那些杰出的工作和特殊的项目使澳门赌场官网协会会员受益的个人和组织, enriched the legal community, and expanded access to justice. 下列获奖人对提高法律专业作出了重要贡献,并向该区最脆弱的人口提供了关键援助.

Frederick B. Abramson Award
Amended DCCA Rules Governing the Bar

In January 2024, the D.C. Court of Appeals adopted comprehensive amendments to the Rules Governing the District of Columbia Bar, 这标志着澳门赌场官网公会自成立以来首次对规则进行更新. 修正案的工作始于2020年,跨越了三个任期.C. Bar presidents, was led by Mark A. Salzberg, then chair of the D.C. Bar Regulations/Rules/Board Procedures Committee (now the D.C. Bar Governance Committee). 萨尔茨堡的领导在完成对规则和澳门赌场官网协会章程的多层审查方面发挥了关键作用, and in securing buy-in from D.C. 酒吧员工,理事会,最后是上诉法院.

In transmitting the proposed amendments to the court, 理事会表示,“对《澳门赌场官网》的修订将使D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会成员查找有关其成员资格的适用规则和要求,以及与董事会和澳门赌场官网协会有关的其他程序. 这些变化也将使澳门赌场官网公会和董事会在处理基本治理问题方面具有一定的灵活性, organizational concerns, as well as administrative and other matters related to membership.”

Community of the Year Award
D.C. Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Community

The Environment, 能源和自然资源(EENR)社区始终如一地提供包括播客在内的优秀节目, webinars, and lunch-and-learn seminars to ensure that D.C. Bar members have access to information on leading issues. EENR社区与各种亲和团体建立了持续的伙伴关系, 包括印第安人澳门赌场官网协会和妇女澳门赌场官网协会, 在需要法律专业知识加速向净零排放经济过渡的时候,吸引对环境和能源监管法律实践感兴趣的地区法律学生.

Voluntary Bar Association of the Year
LGBTQ+ Bar Association of the District of Columbia

Last year, 哥伦比亚特区LGBTQ+澳门赌场官网协会在沉寂了一段时间后,重新焕发了活力, in large part because of the pandemic. In 2023 the organization doubled its membership size, hosted a record number of social and educational functions, 增加了地区和全国法律界的伙伴关系, awarded fellowship grants to students for summer internships, and hosted its annual Pride Reception.

“我们还寻求新的方式来认识我们社区中那些与我们的酒吧及其工作失去联系的更有经验的成员, 比如定期举办社交招待会和大型活动,让这些人重新振作起来,并教育他们如何重新融入酒吧,” said Josh Mogil, immediate past president of the association. Mogil还报告说,在该协会最近一次董事会选举中,投票率创下了纪录.

Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

In 2023 Akin Gump’s D.C.-based lawyers contributed a total of 21,766 pro bono hours, with 14,488 hours dedicated to representing D.C. individuals and families, 4,133 hours to assisting D.C. nonprofits, and 612 hours to helping D.C. small, disadvantaged businesses.

该公司将大量的公益精力投入到刑事司法和量刑改革上, the right to housing, and asylum and human rights protections. 它还与华盛顿民权和城市事务澳门赌场官网委员会合作,共同管理民主党.C. 同情释放信息中心响应D.C. Council in 2020. Since the 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision Montgomery v. Louisiana, Akin Gump attorneys have spent more than 8,为那些被判终身监禁且不得假释的未成年人辩护的澳门赌场官网.

Laura N. Rinaldi Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year
John E. McCarthy Jr.

Specializing in government contracts as a partner at Crowell & Morning LLP, John McCarthy Jr. dedicated more than 325 pro bono hours in 2023 to four custody cases, three of which involved multiple hearings. 他还把他的无偿法律专业知识指导给了全日的私人诊所, hosted by Crowell, Accenture, and Lutheran Social Services, 帮助两名阿富汗客户寻求庇护案件的直接代理.

Over the past 15 years, 麦卡锡每年在涉及儿童监护权的案件中为低收入客户提供超过100个小时的无偿服务, eviction defense, asylum, domestic violence, and veterans’ benefits matters. 他是公司公共服务委员会的推动者,并在天主教慈善法律网络咨询委员会和法律援助委员会任职.

The award winners will be honored at the D.C. Bar’s Celebration of Leadership on June 20. The Bar will also present its 2024 Thurgood Marshall Award to John Brittain, a professor at the University of the District of Columbia David A. 克拉克法学院颁发的比阿特丽斯·罗森伯格政府服务奖 Paul M. Geier美国司法部国际和航空经济法助理总法律顾问.S. Department of Transportation.

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